Wednesday, June 10, 2009

First Blog

What's up all of you out there in blog land? This (as you all can tell) is the first post of many that I intend on doing. Now what might be the subjects of these said blogs? The answer is simple... whatever the fuck pops into my head. That could include  any of the following

  1. Movies - Old movies and new movies
  2. TV - The good kinds of shows, the mediocre kinds of shows, and the really awful kind of shows. 
  3. Sports - Baseball, Basketball, Football, Hockey
  4. Wrestling - ROH, TNA, and the WWE. 
  5. Music - This could be anything really. New CD's, lists of my favorite songs and CD's. 
  6. Relationships - Anything going on in my life (of course no names) or just in general musings about relationships. 
  7. Random thoughts - I really dont think that can be any simpler. Really random thoughts on anything and everything.
Now for the one thing I will not blog about.
  1. Politics - I know this may sound weird, but I really dont follow politics and I dont have an agenda or a stance. 

Now I intend on doing this everyday. If I dont get to do it everyday then definitely every other day but since I have nothing going in my life right now then I dont see why I couldnt do this every day at some point. 

NOW....a very special feature that I am going to do. This is for when I get enough followers of this bloggy blog. Every FRIDAY, instead of me blogging about things, I am going to leave this up for all of you. Friday will be what I am going to cleverly call "Send me your questions Friday." And the questions can be on anything that I blog about. So questions on music, wrestling, sports, tv, relationships and basically whatever you want to ask me then go ahead. But I will not answer anything that has to do with politics. Now as for when I will answer all of the questions, I will more then likely answer all of them on the following Saturday probably at night.

So in a nutshell that is how this blog will work. 

I hope all you bloggers and blogets out there will follow me!


A Double

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