- Movies - Old movies and new movies
- TV - The good kinds of shows, the mediocre kinds of shows, and the really awful kind of shows.
- Sports - Baseball, Basketball, Football, Hockey
- Wrestling - ROH, TNA, and the WWE.
- Music - This could be anything really. New CD's, lists of my favorite songs and CD's.
- Relationships - Anything going on in my life (of course no names) or just in general musings about relationships.
- Random thoughts - I really dont think that can be any simpler. Really random thoughts on anything and everything.
Now for the one thing I will not blog about.
- Politics - I know this may sound weird, but I really dont follow politics and I dont have an agenda or a stance.
Now I intend on doing this everyday. If I dont get to do it everyday then definitely every other day but since I have nothing going in my life right now then I dont see why I couldnt do this every day at some point.
NOW....a very special feature that I am going to do. This is for when I get enough followers of this bloggy blog. Every FRIDAY, instead of me blogging about things, I am going to leave this up for all of you. Friday will be what I am going to cleverly call "Send me your questions Friday." And the questions can be on anything that I blog about. So questions on music, wrestling, sports, tv, relationships and basically whatever you want to ask me then go ahead. But I will not answer anything that has to do with politics. Now as for when I will answer all of the questions, I will more then likely answer all of them on the following Saturday probably at night.
So in a nutshell that is how this blog will work.
I hope all you bloggers and blogets out there will follow me!
A Double
fantastical :)